Monday 6 December 2010


A man makes a phone call to the 'king pin'. The king pin picks up the phone and expects to hear that the 'wanted man'. he hears from his henchman that and finds out this isn't the case and becomes displeased.they have a conversation about how the wanted man must be caught. The 'henchman' catches sight of the 'wanted man' and hangs up the phone and begins his pursuit. The 'wanted man' realises he is being followed and tries to shake off his follower and almost runs into the other 'henchmen'. The other 'henchmen' catch sight of the 'wanted man' and join in the pursuit. The 'wanted man' manages to put enough distance between his would capters and turns down an alley which turns out to be a dead end. The 'henchmen' follow him down the dead end alley and pull out their weapons expectedly and find out that the 'wanted man' has vanished.

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